Monday, April 7, 2008


Well here goes...this my first attempt at being a blogger. This page will be (hopefully) emailed to a few of my family and friends as I post each time. There should be a place for all to make comments if you want so be easy on me. I don't mind a good healthy exchange either so don't hold back!!!
Just finished my first full week as Pastry Chef at Sweet Tart and its proving true that you learn something new every day. As a person we all seem to get into a pattern of what "works" for us as individuals and then we find out that there are many ways to look and achieve specific goals. This experience so far has been a humbling experience as the #1 item on my job description is to learn "their way" of pastry production,
which has taken me out of my comfort zone. If you add in the hours of ...wake at 1am..start at 3am...& home by noon, I am all turned around. The old saying "STORMS MAKE OAKS TAKE DEEPER ROOTS" sticks in my mind right now as I embark on this journey. The title of this blog is the Big Sky Blog for the goal I have to move back to Big Sky Country with intentions of bringing a similar set up as Sweet Tart to Great Falls working for myself instead of working for someone else. It may be a pipe dream but its my dream. Of course one has to take friends & family into the equation so the hardest part for me is patience. If it is meant to happen it will. So for now I am back in school, learning other methods of production, watching close the business model before me, and soaking in the experience.
Well how did I do for my 1st blog entry? You can always e-mail me at or try posting your comments on the blog page. Love you all...looking forward to my next post.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey Tom good luck on getting back to BIG SKY Country I know ill spend some time by the crik Eric

  3. You have a standing invitation to a special place on the Big Rock.
