Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Comment below and I will get back to you...otherwise tune back in
for the next installment of "THE BUS STOP"
Bus Conversion Magazine
Friday, December 5, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
COMMON SENSE...( The pilot )

The most crucial thing to remember here is that I have no common sense. If this was the case I would be in a entirely different place than where I am now. Hindsight is nosight and it seems that this is true across the board with many trendy topics out there. It is a matter of learning from our cumulative experiences and not making the same mistake twice, and to make better decisions in the future.
COMMON SENSE tells me that we are on a rocky road in our vision of what the future holds for our civilization, and what the issues of change in the wind may bring to how we live our daily lives. There has not been a Chef or cooking job in the paper now for 3 weeks, something that I have not observed in the 10 years I have been here. The City has put a hiring freeze into effect as tax revenue is down, and the restaurants are stressing with high food prices, and diminishing customer visits. Now that the powers that be are finally admitting we are in a recession maybe we can get out of denial and take the appropriate steps to get on track.
Tying all the adverse cause and effects together with a broad based solution will be our challenge. Far be it from me to come up with a vision here in the Big Sky Chef blog, but I can sure as h*#l point out what I see and feel and relate this to my readers. STAY TUNED...
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Monday, November 3, 2008

Tomorrow is a big day in our History and should not be taken lightly. We will have to live with our decisions (unless the voter machines break down, Bush goes to war with the war powers act, a national catastrophic phenomenon interrupts, or aliens take over) no matter what happens tomorrow.
Friday, October 31, 2008

job at the the Arena in P.V. It's a different experience, kinda reminds me of the fast food outlets I managed at Snoqualmie Pass with the full service side of the VIP lounge by the sky boxes that line the 2nd floor of the Arena. Problem is, it is all scheduled around the events (Hockey, Concerts, Basketball, Home shows, etc.) with too much time in between each event to provide a steady income.

The hope here is that the American ingenuity and creative freedom we have been globally known and stand for pulls us through these hard times. I think it comes down to each individual and the way we treat our neighbor and fellow citizens. It really is as simple as using your

our personalities many things may appear, some good & some evil. We can only be honest with ourselves and face our problems with the understanding that none of us are exempt. As a human being my worst trait is being defensive. I try and live a common sense approach to things, but I think we, or at least I am hard wired this way. It could be that we are living Halloween every day of our lives, wearing the masks of who we pretend to be, hiding the true self. Its OK you know to admit fault, it sometimes relieves the burden of pressure that builds up inside.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Laurence J. Peter
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Monday, September 8, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008

Somewhere around 2:00 p.m. west coast time Obama will disclose his V.P. choice. In time for the evening news, to late for Rush Limbaugh.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Saturday, July 12, 2008

[if you don"t watch the news you missed that one...]

The news of the energy crisis... high gas prices... effecting our food prices at home as well as our food service industry is really coming to a head. Now I am no genius but if you use the flood damaged corn to fuel bio fuel through subsidies to our farmers, the cold hard facts of supply & demand are blatant. Can we make bio fuel from HEMP OR SWITCH GRASS... Oh no...can't do that. Our farmers only know how to grow corn. O.K. Lets drill... We don't know where we will refine this oil, but we need to drill. ALASKA...Ya that,s the place... the furthest place from our refinery's. Hell we already export 70% of the oil from the pipeline to Japan as it is. How bout keeping that oil in country and using that to wean ourselves off foreign oil. I know...let's nationalize oil production, compete with the big corps, incorporate alternative energy and give them a run for their money. We'll still need a Chuck Norris to keep them in line but hell I'll take that job. It's got to pay more than a buck ten ninety four.
Gotta go for now... lost my connection twice while I was conversing... If you want to donate to the high speed connection fund e-mail TOM @ motf57@gmail.com LOVE YOU GUYS
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Well," he replied, One day I opened the Bible and pointed randomly at a word. It was oil. The next day I invested in oil and made a fortune. So I decided to try my luck again. The second time, I pointed at the word ‘gold.' Again, the stocks I bought soared."
After a few more minutes of catching up, the poorer friend rushed home and pulled out his Bible. He closed his eyes, opened the Bible and pointed at the page. He was dismayed to see that his finger was pointing at the words Chapter Eleven."
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Hillary gave it her best shot, but fell short of the mark. She hung in there like a trooper hoping the super delegates would put her over the top. In my mind she was a little over confident from the beginning, and she should have left Bill at home. The Clinton Machine had a new type of hurdle to jump with the sexist/racist factor new to the American public. I think they had too many enemies from their time in the white house, and alot of the old timers just didn't want to deal with their style. Now she can divorce Bill and move on. V.P.? Nada...she won't want it, and it defies "change we can count on". She may be making a deal for Sec. of State, but she may have to duck sniper fire, or lining herself up for a Supreme Court Judge position.

Labeled as a socialist, a Muslum, politically inexperienced, and religious fanatic, BO..Barrack Obama is one thing, a survivor. He has survived the onslaught of all the powers that be to become the choice to run against the "old school". His Internet fund raising techniques will be a model for the future and his ability to draw a crowd, astounding. His oratory delivery has been Kennedy like, and his vision for the common man is inspiring. We will see (if elected) if he is able to bring about the end result he envisions. Is the President really the decision maker, or is the position just a pawn in the chess game.
Pedict Biden will be V.P.

Monday, May 26, 2008
Saturday, May 24, 2008
TAKE BACK AMERICA, (or it may be to late)